tvN 신년ID
channel ID
Client : CJ ENM
Executive Director: Ji-sun Kim
Design & Animation : Da-jeong kim
Role: Logo, Character, Illustration, Animation
모두의 신년 소원인
건강, 사랑, 돈 3가지를 메세지로 담아
건강돼지, 사랑돼지, 부자돼지 캐릭터를 제작해 ID를 만들었습니다.
With the message of health, love, and money, which are everyone's New Year's wishes,
I made ID by producing healthy pig, love pig, and rich pig characters.
Broadcasting tvN
New year ID
복주머니와 돼지의 특징을 결합한 복돼지 캐릭터를 제작했습니다
It's a lucky pig character that combines the characteristics of a lucky bag and a pig
New year card (gif card)
신년카드를 톡으로 전달할 수 있도록 배포한 gif 카드입니다
This is a gif card that was distributed so that you can send the New Year's card through Kakao Talk
복주머니와 돼지의 특징을 결합한 복돼지 캐릭터를 제작했습니다
It's a lucky pig character that combines the characteristics of a lucky bag and a pig
New year card (gif card)
신년카드를 톡으로 전달할 수 있도록 배포한 gif 카드입니다
This is a gif card that was distributed so that you can send the New Year's card through Kakao Talk